A new potential investment, a meeting was held with the Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Skopje, Daniel Fieller and representatives of the company Broadberry Data Systems

In the context of the new concept that envisages continuous cooperation, the director of TIDZ, Goce Dimovski held a productive meeting with the deputy head of the mission of the British Embassy in Skopje, Daniel Fieller, as well as representatives of the company Broadberry Data Systems. The meeting was mainly aimed at deepening the economic cooperation between the United Kingdom and Macedonia, and a new potential investment by the British company Broadberry Data Systems was also discussed.

Director Goce Dimovski emphasized the importance of the continuous development of economic relations and the creation of new opportunities for cooperation.

“Foreign investments represent a key segment for the growth of the Macedonian economy and the creation of new jobs. Therefore, cooperation with countries like the United Kingdom, which are leaders in technological development and innovation, represents an exceptional opportunity for our country. Together with the new government, the main goal for us is to create as positive an investment climate as possible, which will bring long-term investments and new jobs.” Dimovski emphasized.

The representatives of the British Embassy expressed satisfaction for the meeting, expecting successful further cooperation. On their part, they also emphasized the importance of cooperation with the aim of further economic growth, development and deepening of bilateral relations.

This meeting is a confirmation of the commitment of TIDZ to the continuation and deepening of partnerships, all with the aim of encouraging the economic growth and development of Macedonia through investments that will bring long-term benefits.