Foreign investors positively evaluate the services and communication with the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones shows the analysis of measuring the satisfaction of users of TIDZ.

The average score for TIDZ received by all users is 4.42 out of 5. Companies rate communication with employees the highest with 4.7. The detailed handling of requests is rated 4.3, while in terms of the speed of handling a submitted request, TIDZ users give an average score of 4.2. A high score of 4.4 is also given for the timely sharing of information and the accuracy of the information provided by the institution, as well as for the knowledge, skills and abilities of the employees. The analysis is being conducted for the second time, according to the international ISO standards introduced in TIDZ, and over 30 companies that are members of the TIDZ family participated in the survey, which contribute nearly 50% of the total export of the state and 6-8% in GDP.

“I am satisfied with these results, but we always strive for more and better.” In the past few years, TIDZ has grown into a modern institution that knows how to both attract new and retain its existing customers. The growth of investments, new jobs and income from operations best confirm this. We have introduced a new organizational structure, we have included young people and energy in our team. In 2024, more innovations will follow, which will take us to a higher quality level. With the prepared legal amendments, this quality of services and support will become available to a wide range of domestic companies,” says Jovan Despotovski, director of TIDZ.

In the last three years alone, two-thirds of the existing companies in TIDZ reinvest and expand their capacities, and with the new contracts reached, the volume of investments in TIDZ reached 2 billion euros. From 2020 to now, more than 60% of existing companies in TIDZ have made a decision to reinvest in expansion and modernization of production. Over 80% of companies increased the number of jobs. These results are all the more significant considering the fact that only 10% of the companies had an intention for a new phase of investment in the initial business plan submitted upon entering S. Macedonia.

Otherwise, TIDZ is the first state institution that, a year and a half ago, introduced international ISO standards for combating corruption and work quality, which define the internal and external procedures for management, early recognition, review and improvement of the anti-bribery system as well as the system for quality and improvement of processes within the Directorate.