The growth of exports and jobs in TIDZ continues in February. The regular monthly analysis shows that the companies in TIDZ realized exports of over 330 million euros in February, which is 20% more than in January of this year. Compared to the second month in the past years, exports are now higher by 26% compared to 2021, i.e. 53% compared to 2020, and are on the same level as February last year.

Growth in imports was also registered in February. The companies in TIDZ made imports of almost 270 million euros, which is 22% higher than the previous month. Compared to February 2022, the export is lower by 10%, but it is higher by 11%, i.e. 12% compared to 2021 and 2020.

The positive growth trend in net exports continues, which as of February is 23.5%.

The number of employees in the zones recorded growth again in January and reached the level of 16,500, which is 14% higher compared to February 2022. Only in the first two months of the year, almost 190 new jobs were opened in the companies in the zones. Otherwise, TIDZ rounded off last year with 2,300 newly created jobs and the highest export ever of 3.7 billion euros, making 2022 the most successful year of the zones’ existence.