The number of jobs and salaries in TIDZ continues to grow. In November, the number of employees in TIDZ companies rose to 17,926, which is a 10% increase compared to the same period last year, that is, 29% more than November 2021, and 31% more compared to the same period in 2020, the analysis shows. Only since the beginning of the year, more than 1600 of our fellow citizens are employed in the companies in TIDZ. According to the initial data, the average gross salary in the companies in TIDZ exceeded MKD 60,000, which is twice as high as in 2016.

According to the data, the export in November is close to 3.5 billion euros and shows growth compared to the same period of last year. The companies in TIDZ from the beginning of the year to the end of November achieved imports of over 2.8 billion euros, which is 2% higher compared to the same period last year.

Due to these economic trends, the net export as of November is positive and amounts to 20%, which is twice as much compared to the same period last year.

The growth trend is expected to continue, considering that since the beginning of the year, contracts worth 450 million euros have been reached in TIDZ, where part of the planned 7,500 new jobs are already being implemented.