New potential investment of the company INA Syscom / Consortium INA – Skopje, official representative and contractor of the Norwegian company Ki-tech Oslo

Today, the director of TIDZ, Goce Dimovski, had a meeting with Stefan Pop Duchev, president of the Macedonian-Norwegian consortium INA, which is the official commercial representative of the Norwegian company Ki-tech Oslo, as well as their contractor (EPC contractor), which produces and exports hydrokinetic power plants intended to produce 100% green energy. Within the framework of the meeting, the need for the production of this new type of power plants, based on German patented technology, was highlighted, given the growing interest in the markets around the world, for this new type of technology for the production of electricity, which does not use fuel, does not harmful emission of gases or other pollutants, requires a small area (1 MW = 40 m2), has a fast construction time (1 MW = 4 months), and produces very cheap energy, in the range of 13 EUR/MWh. The meeting discussed a new potential investment by the company, which would mark the first regional factory for the complete production of such hydrokinetic plants.

Director Dimovski emphasized with pleasure that the Technological Industrial Development Zones are always open for new investments, especially for those that contribute to faster economic growth and sustainable development, facilitating the green transition.

“Such green investments are of great importance for further growth and development both for Macedonia and for the wider region. The transition to green energy is key, and the Directorate for TIDZ, in cooperation with the Government, is always here to support such sustainable projects that additionally open new jobs for our citizens.” Dimovski pointed out.

The president of the company, Stefan Pop Duchev, expressed particular satisfaction, with the expectation of further successful implementation of the project and cooperation.

“It is a state-of-the-art technology that is still experiencing its peak demand. This will be the first factory in the region whose main goal will be to supply the Balkan and European markets. The technology is already being worked on in Thailand, and the realization of such projects has started in Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, Ireland, Kosovo, Portugal, and due to the great efficiency and sustainability, interest is growing here as well.” – president Pop Duchev pointed out.

The implementation of such power plants for the production of cheap and green energy provides a new opportunity that can be offered to existing and new investors in the zones in Macedonia, for their supply with cheap energy, as a special and unique model for attracting foreign investments and their profitable work in the industrial zones in Macedonia.

It is about the production of power plants that provide continuous energy generation 24 hours, 365 days a year, without using any fuel, regardless of weather conditions. More specifically, the most modern German patented technology is used to produce electricity, which is accepted and credited by the World Bank, EBRD, KfW and all other commercial banks, which use funds to finance 100% green energy. The project is very attractive because of the unique solution that increases feasibility and gives a quick return on investment (2-3 times more feasible than solar and wind power plants).